What are Drones Made Of?

What are Drones Made Of
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Miniature aircraft are resilient little things, but you’re going to have a hard time finding a model airplane or an RC blimp with the endurance of a drone. As the heir to the miniature aviation crown, if it has not claimed it already, the typical drone is built to withstand the crashes and collisions that may occur when you pick up the controls for the first time or when a veteran’s pride pushes them to fly it in unsafe conditions.

While premium-grade models are obviously more resistant to knocks, bumps, and shocks than their less expensive alternatives, all drones share some common construction features. This means that even the most affordable model will be capable of sustaining a certain degree of damage.

What Are Drones Made Of?

Each drone bares its own unique set of features, which means it is impossible to give a single definitive drone formula. That being said, some components are expected to be found in almost every drone on the market, and they are:

Typical Drone Construction

1. IMU

The inertial measurement unit, which is often referred to as the flight controller, is the most important part of any drone. As the name suggests, it is the nerve center of the aircraft. It is from its flight controller that a drone receives commands from the one who operates the device using a transmitter or smartphone. The IMU also stores various sensors that a drone utilizes to maintain its altitude and path.

2. Motor

The motor heavily influences the performance of the drone. Much like power tools, drones can either have a brushed or brushless motor.

Generally speaking, larger and more expensive drones come fitted with the latter, which consumes less battery. Brushless motors can be found in many less expensive models, but it is unwise to simply assume any drone under $100 will come equipped with one.

3. Propellers

A drone rises into the air by using propellers. They control the force of gravity surrounding the aircraft, which is why a quality set of propellers are essential to the performance of any drone. Virtually every drone will come fitted with a set of manufacturer-designed propellers, but many dedicated drone pilots prefer to purchase their propellers separately.

Replacing the factory-installed propellers of your drone with more intricate and expensive ones are not needed if you are a novice or someone who would just use the drone for a few hours during the weekend. Nevertheless, you should certainly consider doing so as you evolve as a pilot.

What About a Camera?

Many newbie drone pilots believe that all drones come fitted with a camera. In reality, there are thousands of drones out there with no photography capabilities. Non-camera drones are often recommended to novice pilots who do not want to spend more than $200. Yes, it is possible to find a camera drone for under $100, but most come with poor flight time and range.

What Will You Receive with Your Drone?

What you will receive with the drone you purchased will depend on the model and brand since some manufacturers are more generous than others. That being said, virtually every drone will come packaged with a remote control, a battery, and a charger.

Many more expensive drones come packaged with multiple batteries, so you won’t have to miss anything while waiting for a single battery to charge. Some also include additional propellers, which will come in handy in case your drone crashes and the pre-installed propellers get damaged in the process.

Camera drones often come packaged with a micro SD card, allowing for easy storing and sharing of footage. However, this is not the case with all camera drones, so you may have to spend an extra couple of dollars to purchase a micro SD card separately, particularly if you go with a model that is less than $50.


Apparently, when it comes to what drones are made of, it will solely depend on the manufacturer and its price. Nonetheless, each is made of propellers, a motor, and an IMU.

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