What Causes Drone Flyaway?
By Stephen KrouseDrone flyaway isn’t all that different to what it sounds like. When you lose control and subsequently sight of your drone, it can be said that the aircraft has flown away on you.
Drone flyaway isn’t all that different to what it sounds like. When you lose control and subsequently sight of your drone, it can be said that the aircraft has flown away on you.
Obviously, each drone bares its own unique set of features, meaning it is impossible to give a single definitive drone formula. That being said, there are a number of components that can be expected to be found in almost every drone on the market.
In drones, red lights appear not only as LEDs, but also as warning signs and can be used to signify, among other things, a low battery, an exceeded suggested altitude, or a failing motor.
To answer the most pressing question right off the bat, no, not all drones have cameras. In fact, there are a great many drones that do not come equipped with a camera. Such models may even be in the majority as they are far less expensive for manufacturers to produce.